Develop a deeper and broader understanding of human behavior with a degree in psychology. The psychology curriculum trains students for a wide range of careers and research opportunities in the behavioral sciences and professional programs such as law, occupational therapy, and medicine. We teach students how to design and execute original research projects and offer real-world research opportunities with faculty to prepare students to be successful upon graduation.

Student Spotlight
Josh is working towards his psychology major and music minor—all while living and training at the College Place Fire Department. Follow along to see what a day in his life at Walla Walla University looks like!
What to look for in a strong psychology program
(and how our program stacks up)
Practical experience.
All psychology students complete a 60-hour hands-on, volunteer practicum.
Experienced faculty.
Our faculty have years of classroom experience and each hold a doctoral degree. Their specialties include cognitive development, the integration of faith and learning, student assessment, motivation, elementary STEM education, special education, creativity and learning, international literacy education, remediation in reading, and much more.
Student organizations.
Our students lead an active Psychology Club on campus. Additionally, selected students are also inducted into Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology. To be considered undergraduate students must have completed at least three semesters of full-time university coursework and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) that ranks in the top 35% of their class.
Career preparation.
Students are prepared for a number of careers such as:
- Investigating forensic scenes and cases.
- Working in community health organizations.
- Rehabilitating or training people to be successful in their careers.
- Counseling and managing people in correctional programs.
- Developing effective marketing and sales strategies.
- Advising in family, civil, and criminal courts.
We offer departmental merit scholarships to full-time students (no application necessary). More information about Walla Walla University scholarships.