Student Learning Outcomes


Department Mission: Graduates are prepared for a career in industry, graduate study, and/or careers in research and teaching. The bachelor of science degree is designed to provide extensive preparation for each of these, with the opportunity to gain practical experience in a research or industrial setting. 

Student Learning Objectives: 

  1. Pre-professional students completing the general physics sequence will have a knowledge of physics principles with a class average of at least 10% above the national average. Assessment will be conducted yearly using standardized testing. 
  2. Students completing the baccalaureate program in physics will compare favorably in their knowledge of physics with students completing a similar program nationally. The average overall score for physics graduates on the physics Graduate Record Examination (GRE) will be assessed every two years. 
  3. Students completing the baccalaureate program in physics will be prepared for their future educational endeavors. The graduate school acceptance rate will be assessed every two years, and the acceptable metric will be greater than or equal to the national average.  
  4. Physics graduates will be surveyed several years after graduation, and when common trends in the surveys are statistically significant, the department will make changes in the physics program to address evolving market requirements.