Walla Walla University Teacher Certification

Welcome to the School of Education and Psychology teacher-certification resource center. On this website, you will find important information and links to forms that you can download at your convenience. When students declare Elementary or Secondary Education, they are provisionally admitted into the Teacher Certification Program (TCP) Phase 1. Upon satisfactory completion of the Pre-Candidacy requirements, students apply for full admittance into Phase 2 of the TCP.
Phase I: Exploring the Teaching Profession
Phase I (pre-candidacy) is designed to acquaint students with the teaching profession before they are officially accepted into the Teacher Certification Program (TCP).
Among the required pre-candidacy courses are opportunities to spend considerable time observing, evaluating, and helping in a school classroom setting. These experiences give students practical knowledge about what it means to be a teacher before they formally apply to the teacher-certification program. Pre-candidacy courses include:
- EDUC 211: Introduction to and Foundations of Education
- PSYC 217: Psychology of Learning and Development
- SPED 210: Introduction to Special Education and Inclusive Classrooms
- ENGL 121 & 122: Intro to Analytical Writing and Intro to Research Writing
- MATH 112 & 113: Math for Elementary Teachers (elementary certification)
- MATH 105 or higher: Math for the Liberal Arts (secondary certification)
- WEST-B Exam: The Washington Educator Skills Test measures reading, math, and writing skills and is based on the basic skills and understanding required for teachers to be successful in their teacher preparation programs. See www.west.nesinc.com. Students may also submit official scores for the ACT or SAT.
When students complete Phase I, they are ready to formally apply for Phase II of the TCP.
Phase II: Teacher Certification Program
To be admitted into the teacher certification program, students must demonstrate satisfactory scholarship, professionalism, and personal fitness for teaching. These terms are defined and explained in the Minimum Competencies for Admission and Continuation in the Teacher Certification Programs of Walla Walla University's School of Education and Psychology.
Admission Requirements:
- Completion of all Phase 1 classes.
- A minimum GPA of 2.75 in all course work that applies to Phase 1.
- All sections (reading, math, writing) of the WEST-B/ACT/SAT, or a combination thereof, must be taken and officially documented with the certification officer.
- Formal application, law enforcement background check, and moral character clearance.
- No grade less than C in all Phase 1 classes.
- Phase II Application*
It is important to refer to the current Walla Walla University Bulletin and meet regularly with the certification officer and education advisor for updated information regarding certification. We must comply with current Washington State Certification Requirements.
*Note: See Maria Bastien Valenca in Smith Hall for application and instructions.
Phase III: Student Teaching Clinical Practice
Student teaching requires formal application to the School of Education and Psychology. Student-teaching applications are due the first Friday of December prior to the year in which the student plans to enroll for the experience. See Maria Bastien Valenca in Smith Hall for application and instructions.
Teacher candidate placement is done in cooperation with school districts, and, because it is a shared decision, placement is not guaranteed.
A current fingerprint background clearance; and permission of the School of Education and Psychology is required before placement can be confirmed.
EDUC 451/452/453 Program Assessment Part 1, 2 & 3 run concurrently with EDUC 460/461, 470/471, and 480/481, respectively. Candidates will meet weekly throughout the academic year and the course sequence culminates in a final Program Assessment document.
EDUC 460/461 Elementary/Secondary Student Teaching Part I is the first quarter of the student teaching year. Teacher Candidates will learn curriculum and procedures of the school and the assigned classroom. The course is typically taken fall quarter of the student teaching year. During Student Teaching Part I each teacher candidate will continue in the assigned classroom through autumn quarter. Candidates enrolled in Student Teaching Part I will meet weekly throughout the quarter.
EDUC 470/471 Elementary/Secondary Student Teaching Part II is the second quarter of the student teaching year. The course is typically taken winter quarter of the student teaching year. During Student Teaching Part II, each teacher candidate will continue in the assigned classroom from autumn quarter through winter quarter. Candidates enrolled in Student Teaching Part II will meet weekly throughout the quarter.
EDUC 480/481 Elementary/Secondary Student Teaching Part III is the final quarter of the student teaching year. The course is typically taken spring quarter of the student teaching year. During Student Teaching Part III, the teacher candidate continues with the mentor teacher(s) for a full-time teaching experience. Conferences are conducted with the teacher candidate, the mentor teacher, and the university supervisor, in addition to meetings with the professor(s) of record. Students enrolled in Student Teaching Part III may not concurrently register for other courses during their student teaching quarter without written permission from the School of Education and Psychology dean.
Teaching Endorsements
Endorsement check sheets are regularly updated to meet Washington State Certification requirements. These are to be used as a guideline, not a hard and fast rule and should be pursued in consultation with the certification officer. Unless otherwise specified, endorsements can be added on to either Elementary Education or Secondary Certification.
Middle Level Humanities (Elementary only)
Middle Level Math (Elementary only)
Middle Level Science (Elementary only)
Music - Choral
Music - Instrumental