“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2 NKJV
One of the many Sabbath School options on the Walla Walla University campus is ReNew Sabbath School. Focused on student-led discussions, music, and fellowship, ReNew appeals to students seeking a conventional, small-group worship setting.
The discussion groups are led by WWU students and faculty, and the topics center around the Bible and relevant questions. It offers a unique approach for students seeking an academic and biblically based discussion, and the small groups facilitate involvement that is positive and interactive.
“It is nice that you can choose a group with a topic that interests you or that you’d like to learn more about that’s in the Bible and discuss different opinions on those topics,” Travis Stanger, junior electrical engineering major, said.
Students are invited to bring their instruments and join the song services around the piano where they are encouraged to select their favorite hymns. ReNew’s goal is personal spiritual growth for all who attend, and part of reaching this goal includes involving students in various roles, including leading small groups and playing the piano.
Several WWU students began the class in Conard Chapel a decade ago. The class, now located in Havstad Alumni Center, is bursting at the seams with 40-50 students attending regularly.
ReNew offers fun, food, fellowship, and a warm family atmosphere. It provides a positive, supportive group of friends and encourages growth as a student community. To find out more about ReNew, visit their Instagram page @renew_sab or visit on Sabbath mornings during the school year in Havstad Alumni Center from 10-11:30 a.m.
Posted March 12, 2020