The Walla Walla University drama program will perform “Katrina: the K Word” on Dec. 5, 6, 10, 12, and 13, at 8 p.m. in Village Hall. A director talk about the play will take place after the performance on Dec. 12 for answers to questions about the play or to learn more.
“Katrina: the K Word,” created by Lisa S. Brenner and Suzanne M. Trauth, is an original play inspired by true stories of individuals facing one of America’s most challenging crises. This play follows 12 residents of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. The script is based on transcripts of interviews Brenner and Trauth conducted with New Orleans residents in 2007. The play premiered in 2007.
David Crawford, director of WWU Drama and professor of communications, says, “This year is the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and it seems like a narrative that is lost in time. I don't think that we revisit it to see what lessons we can learn unless it is put in front of us. Walla Walla is a long way from New Orleans, but I believe that there are lessons in this narrative that can ring true for our experience and our mission as a university.”
WWU Drama has been performing since 1961, and the rich tradition has grown into two facilities and a full season of performances including two main stage productions throughout the year and an annual student-directed Festival of One-Acts.
Village Hall is located at 204 S. College Ave in College Place, Wash.
Visit the WWU Drama website to purchase tickets. Tickets for the show on Thursday, Dec. 10 are half price at the door.
Posted Nov. 30, 2015