Walla Walla University Campus Security
The Walla Walla University Security department is not an official law enforcement agency, nor do personnel within the department have arrest authority. Rather, the department is designed to help keep the likelihood of criminal activity to a minimum and to keep the campus community aware of any safety/security issues via the school paper, leaflets, bulletin board announcements, email and the e2 campus alert system etc. in a timely manner.
In the interest of making your life on campus as safe as possible, the WWU security Department provides 24- hour security for the university community and it facilities. We have as our goal a crime-free, comfortable setting here on campus, and are here to assist the WWU community in a variety of safety and security related areas including:
CPR / First Aid
Escort Services
Crime Prevention Information
Vehicle Registration / Parking Permits
Criminal/Incident Reporting & Investigation
Personal Property Identification
Lost and Found
Battery Jumper Service

Please keep in mind that every member of the Security department is here to be of service to the entire university family. It is our desire to avoid conflict and unnecessary confrontation. Usually, any contact that you may have with a security officer will be in the course of their duties, and we ask that you cooperate with their requests as best you can. We expect all of our employees to act in a professional and courteous manner. If at any time you feel uncomfortable with an officer's actions or attitude, please let the Director of Security know immediately!
The WWU Security Department, like all security departments, depends greatly on the co-operation and support from the university community. We ask you for this support and co-operation during your attendance at WWU. We also invite your suggestions for improving our service. Please feel free to call us or stop by the office anytime you are in need of assistance, emergency or otherwise, or if you have any questions.
24 Hour: (509) 527-2222
Director: (509) 527-2613
Campus Security
309 South College Ave
College Place, WA 99324