Parent Checklist

Enrolling a student in college? Let us help!

We want to make sure you have the resources you need to successfully enroll your student at Walla Walla University so we've created a checklist for you. If you have any questions please contact Marketing and Enrollment Services at (800) 541-8900. We're here to help! 

To help you navigate the process, review the step-by-step guide at this link.

  • Have your student sign in and show you their classes at
  • Questions? Call Academic Advising at: (509) 527-2132

The College Place Health Clinic is run by Columbia County Health System, so you will want to check your health insurance plan to see if they are in-network providers, or consider other health insurance plans.

  • Have your student sign in to
  • Watch a step-by-step presentation on how you can complete financial clearance.
  • Questions? Contact student financial services: (509) 527-2815

Questions about where you are in these steps?
Confused about what to do next?

Call Marketing and Enrollment Services
(800) 541-8900 or email

6 tips for the parents of college students

Stay informed

Every admitted student is assigned a WWU account. This is the same account that gives them access to myWWU and also doubles as their WWU email address. Make sure your student is checking their email and their myWWU to-do list regularly. 
Access myWWU.


Consider outside scholarships

Beyond the financial package you will receive from WWU, there are many other places to find financial assistance.
Consider this list of outside scholarships.


Talk with your student about setting parental permissions on myWWU

Once your student starts classes, we can only share information about finances and academics with people your student has given us permission to talk with. 
Set myWWU parental permissions.


Attend one of our online summer workshops

There are many helpful workshops you can attend or webinars you can watch to learn more about paying for college and residence hall live.
View the list of recorded webinars and upcoming workshops. 


Help your student find a college job

If your student intends to work on campus, they will need to submit an employment application.
Help them find a position on campus and make sure they have the necessary documents to apply.


Get to know the programs we offer that are dedicated to your student's success

We take pride in providing a multitude of student support services across campus to ensure students are well cared for and have the best chance to succeed in college. Find tips on getting started with orientation, registration, and financial clearance; tools to help plan courses for their degree; and resources to provide academic and spiritual support throughout their college experience online. Help your student start college off on the right foot.