Library Servers, Applications and Management
Library Servers:
2. One(there were 4 previously) cron job for collecting stats from the entryway counting cameras.
1. EZproxy service used as authentication by source IP address for all paid-for resources from our vendors.
2. SFTP server for handling communications between Alma and local processes(WWU User uploads, Bursar, Invoices to PS…).
Staff Tools:
This instance of myEdit: edits important variables and manages access to all the other Staff tools listed here:
Occupancy Report using data from entryway cameras
Patron Count Stats Tool (copy/paste table data into Excel)
WWU Photo Archival Staff Tools
Faculty Scholarly Activity Management (abandoned June 2016)
Edit the message on the entryway monitor
Manage Kiosk stuff, mostly room reservations
Workman -- Student worker hours management
Edit Academic Quarter Dates – used for patron and periodicals count apps
Edit Library Open Hours – displayed on home page, kiosk and entry monitor
Curriculum Holdings Management
Tool for viewing vendor stats -- retired June 2016
Edit how to get stats from vendors
Manage/categorize vendor DB links
Non-vendor link stats – not used after 5/14/2016
Patron (public-facing) apps. 3&4 are only used in PML:
1. WWU Archives photos, using the 1990’s app Slooze:
2. Online Reservations: . Same-day reservations can also be made at the kiosk.
3. Kiosk(touch screen): . Room reservations, Self-checkout of physical items in PML plus misc. information.
4. PML Entryway Monitor: . Live Facebook feed (WWU & WWU Libraries) plus misc. information.
Typo3-supporting code:
1. The Search gadget appearing on the WWU Libraries home page , plus Portland & Montana home pages is likely the most used of anything in the WWU Typo3 pages and is of critical importance to WWU. Thankfully, it has been stable ever since it went live on Sigma. The inherit.* files in Sigma:/var/www/html/typo3/ are responsible for inserting this functionality(and more: see inherit.js) into these three pages. They are called by content element 5288 on the Libraries home page (374) and slide down through the entire Libraries tree. On each of those pages, you will find a content element named “Search Gadget”. These are placeholders for inherit.js to insert code into. If deleted, there will be no search gadget.
2. Also on the WWU Libraries home page :
a. Misc. html/JS/CSS content elements.
b. PC Lab Stats powered by Sigma:/var/www/html/pclab/*, which is powered by IT webservice: . This code is also used by the Kiosk and the PML Entryway Monitor.
c. PML Open Hours, powered by Sigma:/var/www/html/scripts/hoursOpen.php, through get.php(in the same folder), wrapping the output in JavaScript, in order to get it into Typo3 – thanks to whoever prevented PHP in Typo3.
3. Research Guide for Nursing -- , primarily for Portland students. Powered by (also through get.php). This same code(articles.php) is a major part of the Databases tab of item 1 above.
4. Faculty Scholarly Activity partially embedded application: . Powered by Sigma:/var/www/html/faculty.activity/. This is being phased out because of loss of a Reference Librarian, my position, and FormIt. The app will continue to display entries, but no new entries will be accepted after FormIt’s demise.
Alma/Primo supporting code:
Alma is the backend “card catalog” and much more, used by library staff. The only supporting code customizations are done with CSS.
This is Primo: . I’ve done extensive work to make Primo screen-size responsive, look like a WWU site, and to replace their lousy search bar, which now uses the same code as the Research Central tab on the WWU Libraries home page . Call me a hacker, if you wish J.
The supporting code for Alma & Primo is in Sigma:/var/www/html/primo/. There is a lot of JS and CSS, but very little PHP and HTML. Thankfully, Doug McClay is experienced in HTML, JS, & CSS.
Misc. Processing apps:
1. OpenURL: Used by our vendors to access our resources in Research Central
2. Click Processor: – mostly retired June 2016, but still used some for Libguides through this tool: