Student Resources

We are pleased and very excited about your decision to advance your educational and career goals with us.  We are honored to have a role in the realization of your plans and aspirations. To ensure that this important journey begins and remains a smooth one, we have enclosed the following documents and information:

  1. Advising: Your advisor supports your educational development and success in the Master’s Program. We assign your advisor to you. Working closely with your advisor, we approach your education holistically, considering academics, field education and any life issues that may impact your graduate school performance.
  2. Critical thinking guide: The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools, 7th edition >
  3. Code of ethics: Code of Ethics of the National Associations of Social Workers >
  4. Health insurance: WWU believes that insurance is extremely important for all students and we want to connect you with resources to provide for your needs > 
  5. Computer support: Our Information Technology department offers a number of resources for students >
  6. Library info: LibrariesSocial Work Resources and Finding your way in the library >
  7. WWU event calendar: Learn what's happening on campus >
  8. Writing guidelines: APA style format is expected for all assignments, APA writing resources
  9. D2LNavigating the D2L online program >
  10. Visiting our campus: Walla Walla Visitor Guide, Billings, MT visitor guide and Missoula, MT. visitor guide >