Academic Classes Offered

Students can earn up to eight credits of lower and/or upper division credit that counts toward the general studies religion requirement. All students must register for either RELB 474 Study Tour: The Holy Land & Its Peoples or RELB 274 Study Tour: The Holy Land & Its Peoples. These courses are especially designed to coincide with the places and peoples we will encounter during our time aboard. Students must also choose to take one additional course from the options listed below.

RELB 400 - The Bible and The Human Condition (Arrais)
RELH 205 - Biblical Archaeology - 4 hrs (Cosaert)
RELT 202 - Christian Beliefs - 4 hrs (Arrais)

In order to take upper division courses, students must have completed their lower division writing requirements. Please contact Dr. Cosaert, if you have any questions on these courses.

To get the most out of our trip, these classes will require some pre-tour reading or video assignments. This assignments will be made available to student before Spring Break 2025. These assignments will enhance the value of our trip by providing you with necessary background information about the places we will be visiting and their significance for studying the Bible.

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Registration: Sign Up Now

Upcoming tour:

Bible Lands Study Tour - June 24 - July 15, 2025

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