Testimonials from the 2009 "Steps of Paul" Tour

"First, on behalf of my wife Elsie and myself, I take the opportunity to express our sincere thanks for what you have done for all of us during our recent trip to Turkey. The trip to Turkey provided a great opportunity to see some of the places where Apostle Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result, I now have a better understanding of Paul’s New Testament writings and of his missionary journeys. The trip was very well organized and explanations at the sites were of first quality. Your leadership, patience, interest in, and knowledge of the region as related to Paul’s missionary journeys made our journey easier and very pleasant. We are both ready to go again!! God bless and we hope to see you soon, on your next trip!!" - Alex and Elsie Tichy

"I loved my time in Turkey - I absolutely loved meeting everyone and fellowship we all shared. I believe this journey was blessed by God, and I truly felt His presence the entire trip. If you can go on this journey at any point in your life, I would recommend it above any other vacation you may think you need/want. It was centering for me. It gave me peace, comfort, joy, hope….the Lord filled my cup and renewed my spirit as I journeyed with these unique and wonderful people. It is a must see journey for those who want to see and experience the early begins of the Christian faith, for those who want to draw nearer to God and for those who want to fellowship with other Christians in the land once known by Paul and John. It was unforgettable. Thank you for all that you did on this trip." - Shannon Bannister

"I have worked/lived overseas and enjoyed quite a bit of international travel. The majority of which was done as a single or with a friend/family member. Which means one can stop whenever one wants to take pictures, has more opportunity to make contacts with the national people and more flexibility in planning/scheduling. I was a little bit leary of joining a "tour," paying for all those guides adds to the cost, and I didn't need 4 star hotels. However, I think the tour was well worth it. It was wonderful to be able to relax and let someone else handle the scheduling/arrangements. We had a fantastic group of people and the morning group worships were a little taste of heaven. Thank you Carl!!!"-Challis Casebolt

"I’ve been thinking but it’s difficult to find where to improve the tour. Since Turkey has so many places associated to Christian history perhaps one suggestion could be to have a tour focused on John related places like the seven churches and Patmos and another related to Paul journeys and ministry. This last one could prove to be less easy to carry on since it takes through so many places from one end of this quite large country, from southeast Antioch to northwest Troas including every Pauline site. That’s why I think our trip is difficult to improve because we had of all of that. Thanks again for let us have that wonderful opportunity." - Diego Medel
"Of all the tours I have ever taken this was the best organized with the most comprehensive information and the least snags. This number of people was ideal, we could quickly move in and out of the bus, getting settled in our hotels was efficient and getting through the buffets was quick. I liked that! Hakan's knowledge of his country and its history was encyclopedic and his obvious pride in Turkey's accomplishments greatly evident. The tour book that Carl produced was invaluable, both before we visited a site and now that we are home and reviewing our adventure."

"The archaeological sites of Ephesus, Pergamum, and Laodicea are incredible. The natural beauty of Turkey is breathtaking. The food is fresh and delicious. My learning curve about the journeys of Paul and the country in general was exponential. However, the group experience topped it all. I am so grateful for the spiritual feast: the rousing singing, the encouraging stories and the sense of belonging to a group who is headed for the kingdom!! You will feel like Marco Polo as you experience the sights, sounds, tastes and culture of Turkey with Dr. Carl Cosaert on a most amazing journey!"- Jaimy Hill.

"Very inspirational & puts things into perspective. Also, no one is "forced" to share anything that is so personal that they are unable to share." - Belinda Meharry
"I can hardly think of way to improve the tour, It was Great! Other than pray for a little less heat and humid. I have been on other tours that they rotate seats this gives an opportunity to visit with others more. Sue did ask if we had an opportunity to sit in the front and course I never heard anyone complaining. Maybe advertise more than in the northwest, it such a good tour." - Irene Cole
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