NPUC Tour Itinerary: Days 4-6

August 23rd: Tarsus

Following the breakfast, depart for Tarsus, the capital of the Roman Province of Cilicia, situated between the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to being the hometown of St. Paul (Acts 9:11; 21:39; 22:3), it was also the city St. Paul returned to after his escape from Jerusalem (Acts 9:30). Barnabas found St. Paul in the city and enlisted him to service at Antioch (Acts 11:25ff). St. Paul may have visited on his Second and Third Missionary Journeys (Acts 15:41; 18:22-23). Visit St. Paul's Well, the Gate of Cleopatra, and the latest excavations. Continue your trip to Antalya for dinner and lodging.

August 24th: Antioch

Antioch was the headquarters for St. Paul's missionary journeys. It was the third largest city of the Roman Empire, rivaled only by Rome and Alexandria. St. Peter, St. Paul, Barnabas and Timothy all preached in this place where Jesus followers were first called Christians (Acts 11:26). Visit the cave where they met in secret where St. Peter first celebrated Mass. South of the church, The Iron Gate was one of the actual entrances of Biblical Antioch; strolling through the old part of the city, you cannot help recalling the saints who walked these old streets, for little has changed since that time. St. Paul and Silas departed from here on the second missionary journey (Acts 15:35-36). Discover the impact of leaders such as Ignatius of Antioch and John Chrysostom. Return to Adana for dinner and lodging.

August 25th: Aspendos, Perge

Drive across the rugged Taurus Mountains to the ancient site of Aspendos; Aspendos Theater is the most undamaged theater that survives from the ancient world. The architect of the theater, which is established at the foot of a small hill, is Zenon, son of Thedoros of Aspendos. Its capacity is 15.000 persons. Its most important characteristic is its great acoustic. See the finest example of classical Roman Amphitheater. Continue to Perge, a city where some Christians worshipped the mother goddess Artemis as the Virgin Mary. St. Paul and Barnabas visited the city and wealthy benefactors like Magna Plancia had a number of important memorials built here. Have dinner and spend the night in Antalya.

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