New leadership

Semotiuk becomes new department chair

Nancy Semotiuk, professor of communication, assumed the department chair role for the Department of Communication and Languages this summer. Former chair Linda Potter Crumley, decided to step down after serving as chair for five years in order to return her focus to teaching.

Department chairs not only speak for the department but for the institution itself. “As department chair,” Dr. Crumley said, “part of our job is to hold the balance between students and teachers, teachers and parents, and parents and administration.” Part of Crumley's decision to refocus on teaching is the student contact. Crumley said, “I liked problem-solving as department chair, but I enjoy teaching because of the students–that's what I’m here for!”

Semotiuk also noted that the student contact was a favorite part of her new responsibilities as chair. Students freely wander in and out of the department’s CTC main office. “We have an open-door policy where we can get to know our students and student workers,“ said Semotiuk. “The department is a safe place to find like-minded people and engage in social events.”

As Semotiuk looks ahead to the next few years, her goals for the department are strong. “Because enrollment is down all across the nation, we must work to be the right size for the number of students we have. By looking at our curriculum, we can make decisions about what to teach and the right way to teach it.” Her continuing hope is to create and facilitate a vibrant community for all the majors in the department.

Posted Dec. 5, 2022.