'From Penguins to Plankton'

McClintock to present Young Memorial Lecture on changes in the Antarctic

Dr. Jim McClintock will present "From Penguins to Plankton—the Impacts of Climate Change on the Antarctic Peninsula" for the 2024 Young Memorial Lecture. Join us on April 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium for this lecture hosted by Walla Walla University’s biology department. 

McClintock is the endowed university professor of polar and marine biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Over the past 15 years, his research has encompassed studies on the impacts of rapid climate change and ocean acidification on Antarctic marine algae and invertebrates. 

McClintock has published over 300 scientific publications and his research has been featured in a variety of public media outlets including National Geographic Magazine, Discover Magazine, and Scientific American Magazine. McClintock recently returned from his 16th research expedition to Antarctica where over the past two decades he and his research collaborators have become among the world’s authorities on Antarctic marine chemical ecology and drug discovery.

The FAC Auditorium is located at 200 S. College Ave., College Place. Join for this chance to hear McClintock share about the marine world and the rapid impact of climate change on the Antarctic.

Posted March 19, 2024.