School of Engineering

Be the solution.

Engineers delve into problems to develop the best solutions. They make it possible for us to communicate, travel, and efficiently harness energy supplies. A degree in engineering from Walla Walla University’s Edward F. Cross School of Engineering will prepare you to create solutions in a challenging and rewarding career path. 

At WWU, you can earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering with concentrations in bioengineering, civil, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Operating for more than 75 years and offering more concentrations of study than any other Adventist institution, you can rest assured that WWU provides the opportunity to specialize in the areas that interest you most, and to build a strong, practical foundation that prepares you to pursue the jobs that appeal to you. WWU is also the only Seventh-day Adventist institution in North America that offers a master’s degree in engineering.  


College Experience

What will your college experience look like as an engineering major?

Clubs: You will be encouraged to join one of our five clubs: Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Society for Biological Engineering Club (SBE), American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. These clubs are affiliated with national organizations and allow students opportunities to interface with practitioners within their discipline.  

Internships: You will gain the necessary real-world application of skills through internships with local companies like: Key Technologies, a manufacturer of food sorting equipment; Nelson Irrigation, who design sprinkler equipment for farmers; or the local branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, maintaining dam infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest. Students have recently interned at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, the City of Wichita Kansas, and Sandia National Lab. 

Real preparation: Small class sizes and 13 different lab spaces create the perfect grounds for an excellent education. You’ll be challenged and mentored by professors who care about your success. Engineers are often known for their desire to experiment and tinker, and your curiosity will have space to develop in our first-rate laboratories. 


Career Path

What can your career path as an engineering major look like?

The engineering field is very broad, but most engineering roles in any field require a bachelor’s degree. Some research, teaching, or highly specialized roles require a master’s degree, and post-graduate degrees may also open the doors to higher pay or leadership roles. 

WWU engineering alumni have found work at a variety of impressive companies such as Amazon, BioLab Sciences, Boeing, Google, Hyper Sciences, Langan Engineering, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, Microsoft, NASA, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc., Wood Rogers, and others. Some of their achievements include recognition for significant contributions to the Space Needle and receiving the NASA Early Career Achievement Medal. Learn more about our distinguished alumni. 



Student Spotlights

Follow along to discover what it's like to be an engineering student at Walla Walla University and learn a little more about what each different discipline offers.


Watch as Tawni shows you around our bioengineering labs that allow students to actively engage in sophisticated design and research initiatives in biomaterials, bioprocessing, and tissue engineering.

Civil Engineering

Meet Jenna, a senior civil engineering major at Walla Walla University. Follow along on a day in her life at her working at Odin Environmental as an engineering intern. 

Computer Engineering

Meet Mikhail, a senior computer engineering student who serves as the president of the computer science club. Follow along to see what it’s like to study as a computer engineer.

Electrical Engineering

Meet Christian, a senior electrical engineering major! Electrical engineers design, develop, and test electrical and electronic equipment ranging from giant power generators to hand-held global positioning system receivers.

Mechanical Engineering

Meet Libby, a senior mechanical engineering major. For her senior project, she works with Reiff Manufacturing, a local company, to optimize their designs and help minimize manufacturing costs. Follow along to see what it’s like to be a mechanical engineering major at WWU.

News & Updates


WWU relaunches annual academic excellence symposium

Successful senior expeditions put learning into reality

WWU civil engineering students receive scholarship award for two years in a row

A successful collaboration between WWU's computer science and biology departments

Students test engineering and design skills at club event

Jobs and Internships

Fusion Reactors and Research Hours

Miles Kim is a senior mechanical engineering major who spent last summer interning remotely at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Because of the internship, he has decided that he wants to work with plasma physics, specifically nuclear fusion. Learn more about Miles' intership experience.


A Life of Service

In recognition of his commitment to service, Darius Felder, senior electrical engineering major, was awarded both the President’s Student Civic Leadership Award and the Governor’s Student Civic Leadership Award through Campus Compact, an organization that focuses on supporting and recognizing students who exemplify civic leadership. This is the first year that Walla Walla University participated in Campus Compact. Learn more about Darius and Campus Compact.

Labs and Projects

Vial Robots

At the end of fall quarter, sixteen students presented final projects for their Manufacturing Systems Engineering class which marked the end of a quarter-long, hands-on learning project.
Learn more about student's experience working on their Manufacturing Systems projects.

Quick Facts



2020 WWU Engineering Graduates placed in graduate schools or engineering careers within 12 months of graduation.


WWU engineering applicants are accepted into medical school.


Engineering scholarships awarded to students, in addition to WWU scholarships.


The most diverse in the northwest, WWU has twice the national average of engineering students that come from under-represented minority groups


WWU engineering students whose hometown is outside the Pacific Northwest.


Engineering alumni complete a graduate degree within 10 years of graduation (twice the national average)

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