Senior class

2016 graduating class chooses leaders

The Walla Walla University senior class of 2016 has elected their officers for the main campus in College Place and the nursing campus in Portland, Ore.

Kara McMahon, class president, says, “My vision is for our class to realize the many diverse talents we have that make us unique, but also the many things we share in common that make us one family. I want us to enjoy this last year at our university by making lasting memories so we remember this year as being one of the best years of our lives.”

College Place campus
President—Kara McMahon, biology major (pre-med)
Vice president—Savannah Kisling, environmental science major
Spiritual vice president—Chelsea Bond, music major
Social vice president—Natalie Hall, biology major
Treasurer—Grant Gustavsen, business administration major
Secretary—Benjamin Gow-Lee, biology major (pre-med)
Sponsors—Darold Bigger, professor of religion and Terrie Aamodt, professor of history and English

Portland campus
Co-president—Elizabeth Green, nursing major
Co-president—Isabella Asamsama, nursing major
Sponsor—Debbie Lampson, assistant professor of nursing

Published Jan. 20, 2016

2016 senior class officers for the main campus, (back left to right) Grant Gustavsen, Chelsea Bond, Benjamin Gow-Lee, (front left to right) Savannah Kisling, Kara McMahon, and Natalie Hall

2016 senior class officers for the Portland campus, (left to right) Debbie Lampson, Elizabeth Green, and Isabella Asamsama