
Music and spoken word will combine in Sabbath sundown worship service

The Walla Walla University Department of Music will host Evensong on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 5 p.m. in the University Church, 212 SW Fourth St., College Place.

This service, as per long-standing tradition, will feature musical selections from Kraig Scott, professor of music, as well as readings from Montgomery Buell, associate professor of history.

The program takes place eight or nine times each year and coincides with Sabbath sundown. Evensong’s long history as a cherished part of the WWU music scene began during the 1962-63 school year. The program has historically combined music with readings to create a unique worship setting.

According to Dan Shultz, professor emeritus of music, in his history of the WWU Department of Music, “A Great Tradition…,” Evensong was designed to “encourage meditation through music and spoken word” and to provide “an opportunity to present both great music and literature in a quiet spiritual setting.”

This event is free and open to the public.

Posted Feb. 11, 2016

Evensong will feature spoken word selections from Montgomery Buell, associate professor of history.