Robotics Club
Robotics Club gives members the chance to expand their abilities with programming, circuits, and robot design, or just chill with others that also enjoy these subjects. Members can start with the basics, or dive into more advanced topics or larger team projects. The club typically meets once a week to every other week depending on members’ schedules. Expect quarterly builds plus fun events like quad-copter racing and game nights.
How to join the WWU Robotics Club >
Robotics Club on GitHub
Club Projects
Autonomous Rover
The club has a small Mecanum wheeled robot that is being developed to autonomously charge itself and navigate.
The code and documentation is available on GitLab here.
Autonomous Quadcopter
The club is working on an autonomous quadcopter that uses computer vision, a raspberry pi computer, and a Pixhawk autopilot.
The code is available on Github here.
Mini Servo Robot Arm
Small 4 axis robotic arm made with 9g servos and laser cut parts. It can be controlled with a smartphone over bluetooth or by mirroring the position of a controller arm.
Files and instructions available on GitHub here.
Robot cars
Small robot cars with ultrasonic sensors that can be programmed to do things like avoid obstacles or be controlled from a phone over bluetooth.
Code examples and some documentation available on GitHub here.
Club leadership
Kyle Malaguit
Tom Ekkens
Past projects
Balloon Blimps
Radio controlled (RC) blimps made from repurposed micro RC car parts, propellers, and helium balloons.