Introduction to Engineering
Enroll for this 10-week online course and earn both high school and college credit.
Has engineering intrigued you as a possible profession? Do you want a better understanding of what engineering actually is? This course is for you.
In ENGR 121 Introduction to Engineering you will be introduced to, well, engineering! We'll take a look at the different discipline areas (mechanical, electrical, computer, civil, bio) and what people in these fields do on a day-to-day basis. You'll be able to match your skills and interests to one of the areas—or, let's be honest, you might learn that engineering isn't for you. But if you do chose to be an engineering major in college—you'll already have one class under your belt! This class will count for both high school and college credits. So, as you're wrapping up your high school career, you're getting a head start on college classes. Score.
ENGR 121
High school seniors can take Introduction to Engineering online from WWU professors and earn both high school and college credit. In this ten-week online course, students will learn about the variety of professions available to engineers, develop professional skills, and design team-based projects.
Class goals and outcomes
- You will develop professional-looking work—from defining the problem, to developing solution methods, drawing conclusions, and presenting your results.
- You will learn about how ethics and economics are an important part of equitable engineering solutions.
- You will develop your group brainstorming and conceptual engineering design skills.
- You will practice solving problems while meeting required design constraints.
Course requirements
To enroll for this course you must be a high school senior who has completed Algebra II and taken two years of lab sciences.
Dates and deadlines
Applications are due Sept. 15. Classes begin on Sept. 26. This course is 10 weeks long.
$150 + application fees (2 hours of college credit).
The textbook
Engineering your Future: A Basic Introduction to Engineering (ISBN 9780190279332) 6th edition is the recommended text.
Found a previous edition for less?
Professor Cole is happy to advise on edition compatibility with course material. Just ask!
Professor Bryce Cole
(509) 527-2295
Have a question about the class? Want help registering? I'm here to help! Looking forward to exploring the world of engineering with you this fall!