How to Create an Announcement

To create an announcement, go to and click on the green button near the top right part of the page that says "NEW."

Next you'll want to fill out the form with an interesting title that is clear and concise and a short description that gives everyone all the information they need to know about your event. 

Below the description box, you'll see a small button that says "Add Event." It's important that you include this section if you're announcing a specific event. This is where you'll enter when and where the event will take place. 

The final step is to select when you'd like your announcement to be published, and who you'd like to see the announcement. Each announcement is only allowed to be published for a maximum of five days, and selecting the right audience will help ensure that people on other campuses or who may not need to see your announcement are not bothered with information that does not pertain to them.